C program which will count the total number of vowels and numbers in a String
Programming code : #include <stdio.h> int main() { char line[1000]; int i, vowels=0,digits=0; printf("Enter a line ...
Programming code : #include <stdio.h> int main() { char line[1000]; int i, vowels=0,digits=0; printf("Enter a line ...
Typical set points for 12v lead-acid batteries at 77F ( 25c) Voltage regulation set point : 14.4 v Array reconnect voltage set point ...
The battery voltage levels at which a charge controller performs switching function is called the charge controller set points. There are ...
Program Code : clc; clear all ; close all ; %%user define fs=input( 'enter the value of sampling frequency' ); fm=...
1. To understand the basic theory of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). 2. To understand the waveform Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) using Ma...
1. To understand the basic theory of frequency modulation(FM) 2. To understand the waveform and frequency spectrum of frequency modula...